Games aren't just for fun.
Yes, they
are fun...and there's just nothing like a good old family game night...everyone gathered around the table for laughs, relaxation, togetherness, and a little healthy competition! In our fast-paced society, time is a precious commodity...and there's no time better spent than with your family.
So let the games begin!
The selection is vast. Head to your local Target or Walmart and just check out all that is available. There are games for all ages...from toddlers to grownups...for all interests...pretty princesses to space invaders. Whether it's board games or card games or games involving passing pigs, there's something out there for everyone!
Don't you love playing games that you played as a kid? Well, they are still out there! Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Hi Ho Cherry O, Battleship, UNO, Monopoly, and so much more! Dust off those stored in the attic or pick up a brand new one and have some fun!
Playing games not only provides precious memories of family togetherness, but develops all types of skills that promote success in school and in social situations. Learning to take turns and be a good sport are of fundamental importance. Children (and adults) need to know that they can't always win, but they can still have fun. Healthy competition in a loving environment builds confidence and attitudes of graciousness. From basic math critical thinking and strategizing, the brain is being stimulated and making connections that promote growth and development. The building blocks are set in place for reading skills to be fostered. The benefits are endless!
So, come on Mom and Dad, call the family together! Get out those games and let the fun...and learning...begin!