Monday, July 30, 2012

Parent Night Pointers!

It's here...Back to School time...the season of Open Houses...Meet the Teacher events...and Parent Night!  What exciting...occasionally unnerving...sessions of information overload for both parents and teachers!!

Hence the offering of a few points to ponder as you meet those who will be partnering with you over the next year of your precious one's life....

  • Be prompt for Parent Information events.  Usually the teacher has a planned agenda...lots of helpful info!
  • After the meeting, read the information.  Return forms expeditiously. 
  • Keep in mind that these meetings are typically meant for parents...and can stretch the limits of the behavior of little ones...which can distract you...and those around you.
  • "Divide and conquer" if you have more than one child attending the school.  Be considerate of others if you must slip in and out of classrooms.
  • Be appreciative, attentive...and patient.  The teacher has worked hard to prepare the classroom and orientation packet for you.
  • Be prepared to write down notable information regarding your child.  It is great to speak face to face, but very helpful if you document the information for her to refer to she gets to know your child.
  • Be upfront and honest about any prior testing, therapies, and special needs of your child.  This information is very helpful to the teacher.  Again, please note in writing.
  • Present, in writing...and verbally, all vital allergy information.
  • Bring in a photograph of your whole family, inscribed with the names of parents and children.  This will help the teacher to associate parents with students, as well as to recognize siblings.  Again, be patient.  You have one or two teachers to get to know.  She has multiple students and families.
  • Keep in mind that you may set a conference time for a later date to focus on your child...after the pace has slowed...and she can remember which child is yours.  :)
  • Be positive...encouraging...and patient.
  • Be excited!!  It's going to be a great year!!!  

School Supply Shopping...Sales vs. Skimping

It's that time! School is about to begin! No doubt, many of you like to beat the crowds and get school supply shopping marked off your "to do" list! Good for you!
From the heart of a teacher, here are a few pointers!
  • Follow the Supply List. Teachers spend a good bit of time thinking through and specifying items needed in order to make it easier for you...and your child...and to be consistent with all of the students. Take the list with you when you shop...and pay close attention to it. Note sizes and types of items...not just to what looks fun or cool or "what's even better" than what's on the list.
  • Stick with the Name Brands. We all love bargains, but often the cheaper item is not the best deal in the long run. For crayons, markers, watercolors, colored pencils and such, Crayola is tried and true. (And unless otherwise specified, stick with the basic colors. Again, note the sizes and types...of crayons (fat or regular), of markers (blunt or fine tip). When it comes to glue, Elmer's basic white school glue and gluesticks can be trusted to do their job well. In the scissor category, Fiskars are the best! Choose tips according to your child's age. Blunt tips are great for kindergarteners. With pencils it gets a little tricky. Go with a quality number 2 brand. The less expensive kind tend to have lead that breaks easily, poor quality wood, and erasers that don't work as well. Decorative pencils are cute, but often fall into the "not so great" category.
  • Note teacher's instructions for labeling items. Check with your child's teacher on this one. Some items go into containers for whole classroom use. Others remain in the care of individual students. It helps to have this taken care of before you bring them in to the classroom.
  • Follow school guidelines for bookbag purchases. Many schools specify whether bookbags on wheels are allowed.
  • Miscellaneous class supplies are important. When buying Kleenex for the class, again, go with the name brand ones. Runny little noses need something soft for wiping them. With Wipes, note whether they are to be used for cleaning desks...or little hands...and buy accordingly.
  • Class wish lists offer an occasion for visiting the Dollar Store and buying less expensive items. Here's your chance for creativity! Students love little trinkets from the "treasure chest"! Small plastic animals...frogs, lizards, snakes...come in fun packages and are a hit with the boys (and lots of girls)! Tiny stuffed animals, jewelry, hairclips, and figurines are sure to tickle the little girl's fancy.
  • Watch store circulars for sales on the items on your list!! Often you can get the name brands even cheaper than the off brands during back to school sales.
  • Try to avoid peak shopping hours.
  • Go shopping when your child is well rested and well avoid the grumpies.
Well, happy shopping!!! Get ready for a great year of adventures in learning and fun!